Friday, January 21, 2011

Weigh In Day 1

Well, today is 'weigh in' day.  And let me just say that me and the scale DID NOT see eye to eye this morning. I went to the gym Tuesday evening, ran/walked 3.5 miles (actually ran 1.25 miles, in .25 intervals, but still ran them!!!!) then did an hour yoga class, that definitely was not easy. Then I went to the gym last night again and did pretty much the same thing. I only had about 45 min. before yoga to run/walk, but i still pushed as hard as I could. And the yoga class last night was RIDICULOUS! It was very difficult, but I still made it through without passing out.  I've also been on the Slim-Fast diet this week; eating pretty good at night, but I'm not snacking at all (well, not hardly at all). Overall I feel like I did a pretty good job this week and I did step on the scale Wed. morning and got down to 156.5 (starting weight is 158.2). So I was totally expecting to either be at the Wed. weight or better...right??!! But nooooo, the damn scale had to deliver disappointing news that put a little raincloud over my 'good Friday mood'.

OK, so here's the results: 158.1

ONE OUNCE?!?!? What?!?!?! And technically you could say I gained 1.7lbs since Wed. How is that even possible when I'm eating way less calories than I have in the last 2 months. Plus I added 4 hours of strenuous physical activity this week.  I'm baffled. I'm mystified. I'm pissed.

BUT: Today is Friday! WoooHooo! The weekend is here. We're going out to eat at our favorite restaurant tomorrow night.'s beer drinking time (well not right this minute, as I'm about to start work, but tonight it is on)! YESSS!  I only drink on the weekends, so let me tell you: I live for Fridays. 

Even though the scale 'malfunctioned' this morning, I'm still in a great mood and intend to work just as hard, or even harder this next week, to see a big loss on that sucker next Friday.

Keep your fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. i hate when the scale doesn't reflect how we are feeling - but don't let it discourage you! Sounds like you are doing great with your workouts, so keep it up! :)


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