Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Moldy ass.

You know those days when you just wanna go home and bang your head on the wall 37 times, then go hide under the bed with an IV drip of vodka, with an unlimited supply of Russel Stover chocolates & Cheetos? And not come out until you're too fat/drunk that they need a dolly to lift the bed and you? And then magically you're all happy and dancey because you're drunk & in a food coma?


I'm not having one of those days.
Today's the best day of my life. *sarcasticmuch*

Being a girl sucks moldy ass.


  1. Should we go away and not come back for 5 to 7 days?

  2. I reckon Ryan better be warned about how this evening's gonna go. lol

  3. LOL...been there done that...so happy when it aint' me (this week)!!

    good luck chica!

  4. Switch out cheetos for Doritos and that was every single day last week!

  5. I adore your blog! You make me laugh when no one else is around to do it. Move over, I've got the cheese doodles!

  6. feel better soon! great description of how it feels...made me laugh, but then I felt guilty because you're so miserable :D

  7. I agree being a girl sometimes sucks! Feel better soon!

  8. Let me know if your moldy ass needs me to bring you chocolate and cheetos this week. You're strong, you will get through it. If I don't see you this week, I'll see you at KSU.


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