Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thank you all so much!

I want to thank you ALL for your wonderfully supportive comments when I was feeling so down.  I've been trying to go through all the emails and email you back, but I got sooo many comments it's taking forever.  And I'm unable to email back some of you because I don't have your email and it doesn't show up in the To space in my email. So I just thought I'd send out a little note, to tell you how freaking fantastic y'all are.

I know it's generalized, but don't think that what each and every one of you said didn't mean less to me because I'm sending out a 'all call' on a Thank You. Because everything you said meant the world to me! I swear! As soon as I published that post the responses starting pouring in and it's so hard to express to you all the love and support that I felt. It was so overwhelming, but in the best way possible.

Y'all are the most sweetest and genuine people I've ever 'met' in my entire life. No joke.  I had no idea that I could have this much support, outside my family, of course. Y'all amaze me. And thrill me, with your unwavering friendships.

Every one of your comments hit a little part of of soul and I treasured your words! They helped me get out of my funk. And they helped me realize that I shouldn't be so hard on myself all the time. I am doing better, mainly because of your responses. 

So thank you all again.

Y'all are the best people in the world. For real. I love you all!


  1. Seriously adore you kiddo. *hugs*
    Hope this post has you feeling better.

  2. I must have missed the last post. :(

    Glad you're feeling better, and you're right - everyone in this community (with a few exceptions! lol) is very supportive. <3

  3. Yeah, not sure what happened but I'm late to the party on the last post too, damn google reader!

    Honey you are amazing, and funny and probably way more together than you give your self credit for.

  4. So glad you're feeling better, Laura! Love you bunches!!

  5. I'm sorry I missed it too! Glad you're feeling better!

  6. OMG, somehow I missed the "down" post....but I just read it and girl, you're not alone! But you're right the depression tumble or whatever you called it, happens. I mentally beat the crap out of myself for no good reason. I told you we are sista's from anotha motha! Chin up, feel better! HUGS!

  7. Glad you are feeling better {{{hugs}}}

  8. I somehow missed the post about you being in a funk, but I'm so glad you are out of it!!

  9. (((hugggsssss))) 'n smooooch to YOU!


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