Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday to you Mr. Sexypants.

Yes, I have returned from the beach and am safely tucked away behind my desk. Life blows.

But, one thing that makes this day a little more tolerable is that my future husband Ryan Reynolds has a birthday today. Thank you Hardy for reminding me!!!

So, here's to you Ryan! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
You're so cute.

That should make everyone's day right there.
You're welcome.

Pictures and a recap of my wonderful vacay coming soon!!!
So just sit on the edge of your seats and wait.



  1. Girl you are RR ATE UP!!! lol He is a hotty lollipop dipped in sexy and deep fried in dreaminess with a big creamy swirl of "ooo DWAMMM!"

  2. dsoainre lasidfahs;oaidhglaskdhnfasd ....

    Sorry, I was wiping the drool from my keyboard.....

  3. You know who else gets to share their birthday with Mr. Sexypants?? MEEEEE!!! He actually texted me this morning and is sending his PJ to pick me up for our birthday celebration!! jealous????

  4. I love the cookie monster photobomb up in that 2nd pic. lol

  5. He is so sexy. I've moved on though-I think Gerard Butler is now my Mr. Sexy.


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