Thursday, October 6, 2011

I hate it when....

.....I forget that I'm not work....and belt out 'It Must Have Been Love' by Roxette, at the top of my lungs.

I'm sure the construction workers just a mosquito fart away enjoyed that little karaoke performance spectacular.



  1. BAAHHAAHHAAA....Been there...but replace "It must have been love " with "Don't stop believing" and construction worker with cop...I still haven't lived it down yet and it's been 6 months!

  2. That's hilarious. But, at least it wasn't a big, nasty air bomb you let out. Then the construction workers would have been thinking, "It Must Have Been Burritos." ;)

  3. But it's ooooover nooooowwww.....thank you, that song will be in my head for the rest of the day!

  4. Ha! that totally happened to me! My office door was cracked open slightly and I was singing my heart out and my boss poked his head in and apparently he was there for awhile before I realized it. I was mortified until he was all, "Wow, you sing really well" Then I wanted to kiss him a little.

  5. Totally just cracked me up. and now I am singing it and my kids are laughing.

  6. In a sitcom everyone would have totally joined in!!!
    Glad you're having a happy enough day to sing!

  7. Awesome! I hope you tossed your hair & gave a look like. "Yep-you heard me."

    Just found your blog & I too am a KS girl-I live in KC now.

  8. "...but its oooooover now!"

    Picturing this makes me giggle!


  9. I just watched Pretty Woman on Tuesday. "Lay a whisper...on my pillow...leave the winter on the ground..."

    Yeah, I loves me some Roxette.

  10. HAHAHAHAHA!! I would have bought tickets in the orchestra pit for that one!


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