Friday, August 12, 2011

Pee your pants worthy....

Holy laughing donkey fluffs! Just found one of the best sites on the internet. Fo Realz Folks.

It's iPhone text messages that the spelling autocorrect has screwed up, in the biggest way.  Meaning, that if you type a word and the phone doesn't recognize it, it changes the word to something it does recognize....but after you send the message. Just hilarious.  Definitely will turn your frown upside down and into the biggest gut cramping giggles you've ever experienced.

Still laughing.......may have just snorted.

Here's some examples. ***CAUTION***Do not drink ANYTHING while reading these, it will for sure come out your nose.

OMG! Can't breath. I'm gonna pee my pants.


  1. I've seen this before and I nearly die.

  2. I love that site! OMG that is too hilarious!

  3. OMG, I have cried reading that site -- it is hilarious!

  4. So freaking funny, right? There is one from a Dad to his kid that goes sooooo wrong. It kills me every time I see it.

  5. OMG *breathe* OMG that's freaking hysterical! I love the one about the corpse in his trunk!!

  6. I can't count the number of "cute" corrections my phone has made. Thank goodness I review before sending. haha

  7. I've read this site before! I laugh so hard I cry EVERY TIME!!!!!!!

  8. LMAO! Holy cow, I can't stop laughing. My husband thinks it's fake, but I don't even care. That is some funny stuff.

  9. who hasn't had a fail with autocorrect...but it is pretty funny!

  10. It is 7:30 in the morning and there are tears running down my face! My husband thinks I've lost it! Thank god we don't have any customers!!

    I needed a laugh today! Thanks!

  11. I tried to post this a couple months ago because it was so damn funny! I LOVE these!

  12. Those are hilarious!! My favorite is the corpse..."whose corpse?!" LOL!!

  13. I. HEART. THESE. it doesn't matter how bad my day is, these always make it better. and i'm so totally guilty of saying awkward things in texts thanks to auto correct. it's pretty much awesome.


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